The School Day
Our official hours are Monday – Friday, 8.55am – 3.30pm, giving a total time of 32 hours 15 minutes.
Getting to and from school
To get to and from school, walking is definitely the best option!
There are lots of benefits: it’s healthier than travelling by car, it improves the safety of pedestrians and road-users, and it respects nearby residents and parking regulations.
Alternatively, we have bike-racks.
As part of the safer schools initiative vehicle access is restricted at the start and the end of the school day on Landseer Crescent.
If you do need to travel by car, please park safely.
School Drop off
The school gates open at 8.40
Classroom doors open at 8.50
School starts at 8.55 - all children should be in class
Classroom doors close at 9.00
School gates close at 9.05
What happens if we arrive late to school?
We are keen for all children to arrive at school on time so they can have a successful start to the day.
If you arrive after the classroom doors are closed (9.00am), please enter school via the main office entrance.
You will need to sign your child into school as they will have missed the morning register. You will also need to provide a reason for why your child is late. Late arrivals will be monitored, and parents/carers will be contacted to discuss this if this is a regular occurrence.
School Collection
Gates open at 3.20
Classroom doors open at 3.25
School finishes at 3.30
Gates close at when the playground is clear
What will happen if I am late collecting my child(ren)?
Children not collected by 3:40pm will be taken to the school office. A parent/carer should go to the School Office to collect their child as soon as possible after this time.
If you know you are going to be late, for example due to transportation issues, please contact the school office on 0113 2883310 and provide an ETA.
If school have had no contact from parents or carers, the school office will begin to call parents/carers and then the remaining emergency contacts.
If no contact is achieved by 4.00pm, safeguarding procedures will be employed and school may seek to inform other services in case a welfare check is required.