Hollybush Primary School

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Welcome to Year 2

2LM - Miss Moorby, Mrs McGowen. Mrs Illingwirth

2SS - Mrs Spaven, Miss Ashworth

HLTA - Miss Bee

Learning Mentor - Mrs Smickersgill

Year 2 Upcoming Experiences

Autumn trip to Kirkstall Abbey – Geography/Art
Spring trip to York Railway Museum – History
Spring trip to a Church and a Mosque – RE
Spring trip to Abbey House Museum – History
Summer trip to Whitby – Geography/History

 Year 2 Aut 1 Plan A 2024-25.pdfDownload
 Year 2 Long Term Plan 2024-25.pdfDownload
Showing 1-2 of 2

Welcome to Year 2! In year 2 we love learning! We will strive to make learning as exciting and as memorable as possible. We insists on good manners and just want children to always try their very best! All staff are here to support the children’s learning and to ensure the children feel happy and safe at school. As a team we are completely committed to your child’s learning and are here to support you too! Please speak to us regarding any questions or concerns you have at any point!

This terms topic will be Our Local Area – Bramley and Kirkstall

In our Autumn term, our curriculum we will be focusing on our local area (Kirkstall and Bramley). In Geography we will be learning to use and create maps and to identify human and physical features within our local area. We will use these map skills to look at the wider world and learn to name and locate the 7 continents and 5 oceans. In History we will be learning about the history of our local area and how it has changed over time.

In Science, we are learning about different materials and learning about their properties.

PE will be on a Tuesday.