History Subject Leader
Vision and Intent for History
We have designed an exciting and engaging history curriculum, to deliver the National Curriculum for history, based on first hand, historical enquiry in our locality. We aim to develop and nurture confident historians with a curiosity to know more about the past, and to equip our children to understand, remember and use ambitious historical vocabulary.
Opportunities for first-hand experiences are provided to deepen children’s understanding of historical concepts and to engage children first hand in processes of enquiry. The focus on historical enquiry also strengthens pupil’s broader problem solving and reasoning skills and supports the development of a strong growth mindset. Pupils are encouraged to become respectful citizens with an understanding and appreciation of other cultures, as well as developing a strong sense of identity and community by building their knowledge of local and regional history and how this links to the wider world. Over time, pupils will begin to use their understanding of how the world has grown and changed, to help shape our future.
From starting school, children will begin to develop their understanding of past and present in their own lives and those of family members. Children will learn about the similarities and differences between themselves and others among families, communities and traditions.
In KS1 and KS2 History is taught as part of our ‘topic based’ foundation curriculum with planned opportunities to allow children to reflect on how events have influenced and shaped Bramley, Leeds and Yorkshire. There are also opportunities to revisit places of interest and importance in the local area to understand how they have influenced and been influenced by the wider world.
In KS1, children will build on their understanding of historical concepts such as continuity and change. Using local and familiar starting points, children will explore and develop curiosity about how things have developed and changed over time. Wherever possible, linking learning back to locational experiences to deepen the context of learning.
In KS2, children will progress through a chronological study of the history of the British Isles, from the Stone Age to The Victorians. Each year group will also learn about aspects of World History that link in with their Geography topics, helping them to gain a historical perspective with connections that are more memorable and meaningful.
We are committed to narrowing the attainment gap for disadvantaged and pupil premium children, through quality first teaching, appropriate challenge and targeted intervention. Locality visits and experiences to enrich to History curriculum are funded by school to ensure all children have access to first hand, locality-based learning.
History at Hollybush
At Hollybush we have designed an exciting and engaging history curriculum, to deliver the National Curriculum for history, based on first hand, historical enquiry in our locality.
Opportunities for first-hand experiences are provided to deepen children’s understanding of historical concepts and to engage children first hand in processes of enquiry.
Pupils are encouraged to become respectful citizens with an understanding and appreciation of other cultures, as well as developing a strong sense of identity and community by building their knowledge of local and regional history and how this links to the wider world. Over time, pupils will begin to use their understanding of how the world has grown and changed, to help shape our future.
Below are links to local places of interest that children will visit and learn about as part of the curriculum.
Egyptians at Leeds City Museum
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Hollybush Primary School History Long Term Plan .pdf | Download |