Hollybush Primary School

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Welcome to Year 5

5MT - Mr Trudgill, Mrs Davis

5CS - Mrs Southwell, Mrs Hargreaves

HLTA - Mr Thomson

Learning Mentor - Mrs Harrop

Year 5 Upcoming Experiences

Global Warming Topic (Autumn)

-Local area walk 

- Global warming expert visitor

Vikings Topic (Spring)

-Murton Park Trip

Tudor’s topic (Summer)

-Kirkstall Abbey Tudor workshop

-Local area walk (seasonal changes)

 Year 5 Long Term Plan.pdfDownload
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Welcome to Year 5 and hopefully the start of a brilliant year ahead. Your teachers are really happy to have you in our classes this year and we know how amazing you will all be! We have got lots of exciting learning, trips and experiences planned throughout the year and can’t wait to share them with you!

This terms topic will be Global Warming

Year 5 will be looking at our local environment and deciding how we can improve it as we look at pollution. We will complete surveys to discover how bad pollution is (particularly plastic pollution) in and around Hollybush. We’ll learn about the causes and the dangers of pollution, including world-wide implications and what we can do to minimise its effects.
We will get the chance to research a variety of topic-based facts and use them in different ways to help us produce leaflets and write letters.
We will also have an expert visitor to help us develop our knowledge and understanding of the topic!

PE will be Gymnastics on a Thursday.