Hollybush Primary School

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Hollybush Primary is a restorative school. A restorative school is one which takes a restorative approach to resolving conflict and preventing harm. Restorative approaches enable those who have been harmed to convey the impact of the harm to those responsible, and for those responsible to acknowledge this impact and take steps to put it right.
Staff, and pupils who fulfil the role of Restorative Champions, will use this approach to address incidents of misbehaviour in order to reach a mutually agreeable resolution and one which all parties can learn from. This is often described as solving problems peacefully.

The guidelines to this approach are promoted throughout school and are outlined below:


Behaviour Pyramid 


At Hollybush Primary school we believe in positive reinforcement of the behaviour we wish to see. We provide opportunities for positive feedback and reward using the Behaviour Pyramid.

Across the school, the Behaviour Pyramid runs alongside the use of Trackit Lights where children can earn green points for:

• Exceeding expectations
• Making good choices
• Getting ‘Back on Track’
• Using kind words or actions
• Following instructions
• Good listening
• Good manners
• Persevering
• ‘Being Green’ – when pupils are consistently meeting expectations
• Moving around school safely

Ultimately, consistently positive behaviour is rewarded with greater autonomy and positions of trust and responsibility in school. These positions include, although are not exclusive to, Hollybush Champions and Ever Greens.


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 Hollybush Primary School Behaviour Policy September 2023.pdfDownload
 RESTORE Curriculum.pdfDownload
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