Hollybush Primary School

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Welcome to Year 4

4KA - Mr Ali, Mrs McCreesh

4MW - Mr Williams, Miss Savage

HLTA Miss Aspin

Learning Mentor - Mrs Smickersgill

Year 4 Upcoming Experiences

Rivers (Autumn)

-Local area walk 

-Visit to Malham Cove 

Romans (Spring)

-Roman experience day in school 

Egyptians (Summer)

-Leeds Museum Visit

Swimming will take place every Wednesday and  Thursday.

 Year 4 Aut 1 Plan A .pdfDownload
 Year 4 Long Term Plan.pdfDownload
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Welcome to Year 4 and hopefully the start of a brilliant year ahead. Your teachers are really happy to have you in our class this year and we know how amazing you will all be! We have got lots of exciting learning, trips and experiences planned throughout the year and can’t wait to share them with you!

This terms topic will be RIVERS!

This terms topic will be about rivers, and in our wider curriculum time we will be focusing on our local river, the River Aire. As part of our studies, we will learn how the river was formed. We will visit parts of the river in our local area, to gain first hand experiences and learn how it has affected our communities’ lives and how it compares to famous Rivers around the world. Scientifically, we will be experimenting with different states, along with analysing the water cycle to consider how it impacts the River Aire.

PE will be tennis on a Friday.