Hollybush Primary School

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Vision and Intent for Geography

We have designed an aspirational Geography curriculum based on children gaining memorable experiences of first-hand geographical enquiry in our locality.  Through delivery of enquiry-based lessons, children will learn to think critically about and show respect for each other, the community and wider world. These opportunities also support the development of growth mindsets and align with the school values of Respect, Nurture and Aspire.  We aim to develop and nurture confident geographers and to ensure our children understand, remember and use appropriate and ambitious geographical vocabulary.   

In order to make the geography curriculum more meaningful and memorable, we have a strong emphasis on learning based our local area and community. Children are encouraged to think about facts and information about our world, as well as their own roles and responsibilities within it, and the impact that they can have on our environment. In this way, we aim to nurture our children, encouraging them to grow into and develop as active citizens within their local community.  

We are committed to narrowing the attainment gap for disadvantaged and pupil premium children, through quality first teaching, appropriate challenge and targeted intervention.  Locality visits and experiences to enrich to Geography curriculum are funded by school to ensure all children have access to first hand, locality-based learning. 

Geography at Hollybush


At Hollybush we have designed an exciting and engaging geography curriculum, to deliver the National Curriculum for history, based on first hand, geographical enquiry in our locality.  

Opportunities for first-hand experiences are provided to deepen children’s understanding of geographical concepts and to engage children first hand in processes of enquiry.

 Hollybush Primary Geography Long Term Plan.pdfDownload
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