Hollybush Primary School

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Welcome to Year 6

6KC - Mrs Clayton, Mrs Buxton

6MM - Mrs McIssac, Mrs Watkins

HLTA - Mr Thomson, Mrs Sidhu

Learning Mentor- Mr Strong

Year 6 Upcoming experiences


Bush Craft Team - linked to English

Lineham Farm Residential - 

Click here to visit the website

Click here for a virtual tour


Armley Mill - Victorians


End of year celebration trip - funded by the PTA

***Year 6 Statutory Assessments will be week commencing Monday 12th May 2024 ***

 Year 6 Aut 1 Plan A.pdfDownload
 Year 6 Long Term Plan.pdfDownload
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A huge welcome to Year 6. We are looking forward to the year ahead for lots of exciting new experiences and diverse learning within our classroom community. Starting your learning journey this year at the top of the school will give you many new opportunities to grow, develop and achieve success.  We will always be there to support you and we are committed to ensuring your child is happy at school whilst working hard and getting ready for high school. Please come and speak to us if you have any questions or concerns at any point.

This terms topic will be 'The Rainforest.'

In Geography lessons, the children will be learning where rainforests are located around the world and exploring the flora and fauna that can be found within different layers of the rainforest. In a few weeks, ‘The Yorkshire Bushcraft Centre’ will lead a bushcraft workshop which will provide children with the opportunity to learn about survival in the wild. This learning will feed into the English work the children do this half term.

PE will be on Thursday